Danielle sings:
- Gospel
- Jazz standards (Vaughn, Fitzgerald, Gershwin, Porter, ...)
- Show tunes
- R & B (Whitney)
- French songs
- Haitian creole songs
For singing & speaking engagements:
Call: 281-935-4135
"I Live by Faith," Danielle Coulanges' debut album offers original songs written by Danielle in a style that blends contemporary gospel, her Caribbean heritage and her musical roots in jazz and R & B.
Be inspired by the jazzy "We Are One"
Worship with "Your Amazing Grace"
Get your praise on with "Thank You"
Get uplifted with "I Live by Faith"
Listen to samples
Purchase or download at:
Danielle's performance at school event reported in Chron.
" As Summer Creek High School teacher Danielle Coulanges took the stage in the school’s performing arts center, she explained that the song she was about to sing held a special significance for her and other educators..."
"We Are One"
The song that promotes unity!
View the video at: www.youtube.com/byfaithmusic
Visit youtube channel for all videos.
A Tribute to Haiti
"Sak Pasé Ayiti Chéri "
This song is dedicated to "Haiti" my country of birth. It is a prayer that its children will work together with a heart to build the land and move its people forward.
"If my people will humble themselves and pray and seek my face... I will heal their land." (2Chronicles 7:14)
Sak pasé Haiti chérie - Pou ki sa pitit ou ap soufri ...
What's going on beloved Haiti- Why are your children suffering
Sak pasé mamman chérie - Pou ki sa ou pa kab avancé ...
What's going on beloved mother - Why aren't you moving forward
Malgre tout ou gin’ou chance toujou ...
Nevertheless you still have a chance
Fon travail e fon la priè ...
We gotta work and we gotta pray
See Photo Gallery
Danielle and "We Are One" in the news
Published 7:00 am CDT, Monday, June 11, 2012
Humble Observer
See full article here.